Gayle’s Story of Sweet Mae’s

As a hard working mom, with a one year old baby Mae during the pandemic, Gayle told her stressful career of medical sales in Corporate America, to KICK ROCKS, or as her late mother, Betty Mae Boone would say to: “kiss my grits”. With her Southern grit, her passion for cooking, and the drive to support herself doing what she truly loves, while raising Mae, Sweet Mae’s was born.

Gayle’s pimento cheese, pimento cheese cornbread, and pimento cheese biscuits are generational family recipes with her own unique modern twist. With a multitude of recipes in her memory and a Southern cooking style passed down from her mother, Betty Mae, she has launched the foods that she grew up with. The pimento cheese and every product is an homage to her late Mama, and her Grandmothers before her, and her special way of keeping her Mama’s legacy alive.

Cheers to generational recipes, our mothers before us and the women that will come after us. Gayle’s hope is that you will enjoy this pimento cheese at your Sunday Supper table as much as her family has, for many generations to come.

And we just know that the original Betty Mae Boone, would be so tickled!

“Indulge in the creamy Southern comfort of Sweet Mae’s Pimento Cheese. Handcrafted with love and care, this iconic Lowcountry staple brings a touch of the South with every bite. Started in Charleston, South Carolina during the height of the pandemic, Gayle’s original and ghost pepper pimento cheese has flavor hints of Fairhope Alabama & New Orleans with Gulf Coast roots. Whether spread on crackers, slathered on sandwiches, or enjoyed on its own, it’s a taste that warms the soul, and delights the palate-and for Gayle, it’s a wink to her late mama, Betty Mae Boone.”

- Southern Flavor Magazine